Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

When you are confident that you’ve found what you were looking for and you can remember it at any given time, you are ready to start making it happen for you.
At night, as you’re lying in your bed, before you fall asleep, is a good time to start visualizing, but you can choose any time of the day when you feel relaxed.
You will need at least 10-15 minutes everyday in order to achieve your goal.

With your eyes closed, see yourself, just like you would watch yourself in the mirror.
Everything is as you know it, except your face. Your skin is now exactly as it is in the picture you’ve chosen. You must see it, feel it, be convinced that you have it.
It might take a while until you are able to see the image clearly. Don’t despair if it doesn’t happen immediately. The process should not be stressful.
When you succeed to visualize your new complexion, try to hold that image in your mind as long as possible. If you get tired or you can’t concentrate anymore, let the image fade for a while, rest for a minute and then start again.
Some of you might be able to get it right the first time, while for some others it might take a few days. But anyone can do it.
When you are able to see the image clearly in your mind, the changes start to take effect. You might even feel a tingling sensation around the areas that are changing.

Keep this routine daily and don’t run to the mirror, first thing in the morning to check for changes. Changes take a while and the less you check the mirror during the process, the faster the results will appear.
Actually, I recommend that you look in the mirror in dim light. Remember, your goal for now is to suspend the present reality. This is how you make room for the future reality.
I will get into detail about the importance of this matter in a future post.


larey said...

Hi JamieX

This is a great blog. Could you tell us if you spend quite a bit of time relaxing yourself before you do this ritual or is it a case of just taking a few deep breaths and getting comfortable.

Also, I find it very hard in getting a good image in my mind. Does it get better with practise?

Many thanks

The Kid In The Front Row said...

I remember when I was a teenager, I had acne. Nothing worked for me, and then, basically, I started doing this - visualising and believing in a clear skin. It started doing the trick :)

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